Monday, August 4, 2008

Led by the Spirit or Led by Strategy?

I think many times we have a tendency to pit the Spirit of God and tragic leadership against one another. Often times we seem to think it to be unspiritual to create a plan and have specific goals, objectives and action steps. I on the other hand believe that this line of thinking is offensive to God. A written strategy is basically a step by step plan to get us from "what is" (current reality) to God's best for our lives. I believe it is honoring to God when we ask him to give us a clear picture (vision) for our future... When we ask him to help us see where he wants us to go and then when we specifically ask him for wisdom to get from here to there. I believe when we read books, seek wisdom from counselors and mentors, diligently study the scriptures, pray hard, blog time to plan, etc... that God is pleased. I believe when we trust God to give us vision and strategy it is very honoring to him. When we are a led by him in the process of planning I think this becomes a beautiful thing. It often seems like we think God can't lead us when we are planning and preparing. Now, I know that we must be flexible and be Spirit led and listen to God. I just think God speaks to us and many more ways than some times we can see! This is why we have a written strategy as a church to get us all out to the Bay Area and focused on the church and we have a written strategy to get us from there to the launch of the church in 2009. I want to be led by God, I thank for how he guides me in planning and preparation as well as spur of the moment stuff!