Monday, March 14, 2011

My God Is Not Limited!!!

Last night on my couch I had a sackcloth and ashes moment of repentance. I have been really wrestling through some areas of leadership where I feel very limited by our circumstances. We are trying to get into a more permanent facility as a church. We are working very hard and doing everything in our power. We keep running into barriers and what seem to be like closed doors, zoning issues with our community, problems in negotiations, etc.. On top of all this I feel great responsibility before God and our people. Our people have given so sacrificially so that we can find that right place and we are out growing our current facility and running out of prime hours to keep adding services.

I was kind of complaining to God about all this. Don't you see, don't you care. Thank you for letting me be honest. I was reading through a book called, "The Life God Blesses" by Robert Morris. He was spending a few pages on 2 Corinthians 9:6 which says, "And GOD IS ABLE to make ALL grace about to you, so that in ALL things at ALL times, having ALL that you need will abound in EVERY good work."

In essence, I heard a very clear whisper from God. Andy, "I'm not limited by your circumstances. In fact, I am giving you this limitation for a reason... So that on the other end you will know just how powerful I am." I spent a few minutes crying, repenting and saying I'm sorry for thinking that you are limited.

So today this song is ringing in my heart... MY GOD IS ABLE and HE IS NOT LIMITED BY MY CIRCUMSTANCES!! Amen?

What is your limitation today? Where is your back against the wall? Where do you feel the pressure? Your God is able. A marriage that is suffering, finances that are falling apart, a leadership situation that desperately needs hope? Let your heart be reminded today that God wants to help you abound in every good work. He is looking for a life that He can bless and flow through. Don't embrace your limitation, embrace God's limitless power that is greater than your limitation!! On the other side you will have a miracle story to tell of His provision and faithfulness.