Sunday, February 8, 2009

Launch Day In Review

Well, we are officially launched. It happened today! God did immeasurably more than we could have asked. It was absolutely incredible. It was truly one of the best days of my life. I want to give Him tons of praise and glory for what he did today!

So I am going to just give some highlights and a review of the day:
* We had 279 people present! About 50 of these people were from out of town and mission teams. I cannot believe that we had that many people! God absolutely blew me away.
* 61 people came for the first time from mailers, door hangers, and everything else.
* 9 people made a first time decision to follow Christ, this is the best number of all.
* Crossroads Church sent over close to 20 people to volunteer with our children's ministry and different areas. They have blown me away with their love and generosity.
* Our volunteers were amazing. Some of the served from 6:45am- 1:30pm and served joyfully. I truly am blown away by the commitment and faithfulness of people that we've only known for 1-2 months. We have a tremendous group of men and women who believe in the vision and give their time generously.
* The band was rockin'. God truly blessed the worship set. There was a tremendous amount of energy in the room. People were jazzed to be there. Clapping, shouting, and much more. It was a pastor's dream!
* Archie really led people into worship and pulled the band together with excellence! I am really proud of him.
* Filipe blew me away with his ability to recruit and position volunteers. He actually worked himself sick this weekend. I told him he needs to take an extra day off today this week!
* Our staff gave me a handwritten note right before the service started where they each wrote and encouraged me with their commitment to follow the vision God has given us as a church! It made my day!
* Stacie has done an amazing job with BayKids! She has showed a tremendous amount of leadership getting everything off the ground! I am really proud to have her as my wife. We are now going to transition her out there over the next month so that she doesn't have to bear the weight of that right now!
* Lake Pointe Church sent out a team of 9 people and Pleasant Valley Church sent a team of 2 people. Together they passed out almost 6,000 door hangers, served graciously and really blessed us. It was so great to have them here for the weekend.
* I made a 21 day goal to pray for one hour a day leading up to the launch. I was about 90% successful on my goal. God blessed it and many people joined by praying diligently over the last 21 days! Amazing to see God work through prayer!
* I spoke about the Good Samaritan... Talked about the need for us to take the first step in relationships and to do for one person what we can't do for all... You'll have to listen the message to get the rest.
* Challenged people to see themselves in the story and realize that in the parable of the good samaritan you and I actually are the guy left naked for death at the side the road and Jesus is the ultimate Good Samaritan.
* At the end of the service we gave everyone two invite cards for next Sunday and challenged every person to bring two friends next week. Praying that we are able to build momentum next week.
* Can't wait until next Sunday and watch what God does. I am talking about forgiveness, the message is titled "The Forgiveness Component." Going to be huge and the best week we've had yet! Praying that God blows us away with his faithfulness and provision again.
* Talked about the power of embracing the great commandment, imagine if all 279 people who were present on Sunday embraced God's desire for us to love him and love others radically!

This journey began for me over 10 years ago when I said yes to God and then has since been infused into many other hearts. I have been blown away by all the people who have joined this vision and felt God's leading to be a part of starting South Bay Church. We are just beginning and on the cusp of what is going to do in our midst. It is great to have a wonderful start to the journey. While I am celebrating God's faithfulness today, I want to recognize that our work is just beginning and there are still over 2 million people in the Silicon Valley that we need to share God's love with. Pumped about next Sunday and seeing God's hand continues to move!